Friday, December 10, 2010

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The 4th Awakening

19 Clever John as Fearless proto-Latvian (2)
The proto-Latvians never gave a precise description of where Vinju Saule (Viņu Saule, The Other Sun) was located. Vinju Saule was left for the individual to visualize for him-herself from stories heard in one’s immediate surround.

The Other Sun was part of the netherworld. However, the netherworld was not necessarily the lightless world of the Greeks, because in other cultures (the proto-Latvian including) it was also the abode of the Sun. During daylight the Sun was out for a walk, so to speak. That is when the traveler felt the Sun’s great eye on him. According to the story (begin blog 15), Vinju Saule is where the Sun has her manor. Vinju Saule has geography not unlike the space occupied by humans. It had fields and forests, rivers and lakes, its own flowers and grasses.

More complexly, the slaughter which is about to occur in the hayloft at The Old Witch’s Inn suggests that this and that space are part a hologram, a space or spaces that overlap with each other. The old witch, for example, suggests herself as the Sun’s Shadow. That is, the Sun was angered by the lack of respect shown her on Johns Day morning by the sleeping revelers, and she turned into a witch, or if you will, put on her other mask.

From yet another hologramatic perspective, Clever John and Crazy Jane are the children of the Sun, brother and sister. However, their relationship has nothing to do with incest, a form of autism that develops among societies fragmented by individualism. Finding him-herself without a community and dreading dissolution, the individual discovers him-herself suffering from agoraphobia, seeks to reconstitute him-herself as a community, but grows a cancer known as incest instead.

The Devil, too, is a hologramatic mirror image of the Sun, but of opposite sex. Surely a hologram does not discriminate between the sexes and allows both male witches [click Johannes Junius (c. 1628) and see Index] and female devils (click Lilith ). The striking thing about hologramatic “belonging” is the superficial dissimilarity undermined by functional similarity. Imagine that Johannes Junius is the Clever John of The Children of Johns before he was humiliated by the letter of the law written by princes and their like.

In the proto-Latvian realm, proto-proto-Latvia (or post-post-Latvia) was a land where the dead were not immobile, but spent their time in motion. To see the dead in motion stimulates us to think of them as thinking entities. The dead may move like shadows, but they are the ones who created the atom, the sub-atom, gravity, how the molecules came to be, and the complicated things that those alive today are astounded by. In short, death has a purpose. It was to manifest life as an entity that is alive even if some see it as dead.   

All proto-Latvians who went to Vinju Saule (the realm of the Other Sun) had to cross a river called Ahdere (the proto-Latvian river Styx). Today the word “ahdere” (in Latvian) stands for the inner lining of a coat, but long ago it was the watery zone that lay between daylight here and nightlight there. While today no scientists believes in “ahderes”, many countryside Latvian continue to believe that only a douser and a cat can tell where an underground stream is located and, thus, keep a dowser in work and tradition alive during a time of urban dictatorship.

It fits the hologramatic scheme of things to discover that the Devil’s name in Latvian should have evolved from the word velehna, spaded or plowed sod, and become the name of Velns (the Devil). Velns was also known as John. It was because of such associations that proto-Latvians called the Devil dear at times. Dear Devil, Velniņ, or Father of Velji, Jahnis (John). The Devil is the Smart John who rules over Vinju Saule (“viņu saule”), the place the Sun stays after She sets.

We now return to The Story of Crazy Jane and Clever John
(© Eso Anton Benjamins) (…continued; beginning at blog 15):

The door that leads to the hayloft barn began to creak.

All seven brothers froze and pretended to be fast asleep. The daughters’ heads were covered by oak leaf wreaths, which the brothers had taken off their heads.

Clever John heard the Old Witch’s footsteps come up the stairs. He held his breath. He was hoping that he could trust Crazy Jane to have told him the truth. His life depended on it. He was happy to hear that many of the witch’s daughters snored. This would surely attract the witch’s attention and be in the brothers’ favor.

The old witch came up the ladder and onto the hayloft as a sudden rush of wind. And just like the wind, she “snick”, “snack”, “snick”, “snack”, “snick”, “snack”, “snick”, axed the heads of her seven daughters. When the she was finished, the old witch let out a blood curdling scream just for the hell of it, rushed downstairs, and went back to the inn.

All seven brothers sat up, rose, and ran as in one motion. They rushed to the back window of the hayloft and jumped. The shock of their fall was cushioned by a pile of cow dung from the barn that was below the hayloft. Several horses, having heard the old witch’s scream neighed and pounded the floor of their stall. An owl hooted.

Clever John saddled Rozinante, put the Devil’s four boots on the mare’s legs, and jumped into the saddle. With him and Rozinante in the lead, the seven brothers galloped toward their proto-Latvian home on the shores of the Baltic. An old moon, thin and sharp as the edge of a blade, kept the barest sliver of an eye open to the events that went on below.

When the brothers were half-way home, Clever John reigned in Rozinante and motioned his brothers to halt.

“We are safe now,” Clever John told his brothers. “The old witch will not catch up with us now. We can take a turn here and ride up the Sun Mountain.”

“Are you with your senses?” the six brothers wanted to know. “We just escaped the witch’s axe by the width of a black fingernail, and you want us to ride to see the sun?”

“Yes,” said Clever John, “I want to ask her why she did not shine yesterday. I also want to find myself another bride.”

“You’re a real smartass, are you not?” the brothers almost screamed at Clever John. “You just caused us to remain bachelors probably for the rest of our lives, but you act as if nothing happened? Go ahead; ride if you have no care for your life. We are heading home. ”

“Don’t forget to bury the chitlin of the crickets when you pass the shore,” answered Clever John as he pulled the reign and turned the head of Rozinante east. He leaned forward and backward and to all sides of his mare and checked if the Devil’s boots were still on her legs. Then he tickled her ribs with his heels

Accompanied by a neigh almost inhuman for a human ear to have to hear, Clever John left his brothers to themselves.

“Have your weird show,” they whistled him off. “If you are looking for a princess, just make sure you do not come home with a hag.”

[End of Book One of The Story of Clever John and Crazy Jane. Now looking forward to Book Two.]

Asterisks & Links of Interest

Unchanged Feature: The Witches of Ghana in Gambaga Could we have the word and name of Ghana pronounced as Yana? If so, we could then call the withches Yanas (Janas, Zhenas) of Yana (Jana, Zhena).

Unchanged Feature: What is reality, what is myth?

Changing Feature: Here you can see how the meme of violence extends into a more intimate setting. One off children, those with one or both parents working, perform as the actors here.

In the two preceding posts (16, 17), we saw a video of how the military wants its folk to perceive themselves, followed by a look at themselves by the troops themselves. Among the more significant comments from the 2nd video (see blog 17) is the one that the Rolling Stone writer Evan Wright makes when he calls the soldiers a generation that “did not have a lot of parenting”, coming as they are from single family or otherwise broken and therefore politically panicked homes, ready to sell out to whoever offers a job.

You are invited to join the TO LOOK AT OUR VIOLENCE community! Watch what is happening around you. Put this note at a tail to your blog and join TO LOOK AT  OUR VIOLENCE . Then do all you are able to stop the imposition of political charisma by violence. Successful resistance will not begin until we stop talking to our selves. The origin of this post is at You are up next! (2) ….
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