http://esoschronicles.blogspot.com/ Not-Violence main subject
http://the-not-voter.blogspot.com/ Arguments for systems change
http://the4thawakening.blogspot.com/ Sacrificial crisis in Latvia
http://oedipusrexrewritten.blogspot.com/ Oedipus Rex Rewritten
I suggest you look at the links imbedded in these blogs or at the end of the blog as an integral part of my argument.
The 4th Awakening
29 How to Tie Tongue (2)
© Eso Anton Benjamins
© Eso Anton Benjamins
If Latvians have a role to play in their government, it is not as ordinary passive citizens who do little else than drop their ballots in a box on Election Day. While some will continue to vegetate, others may begin to think of themselves as a “chosen people” or, better, the only people. Of course, today this is a discredited notion. Yet others will identify with naked humankind and succumb to the pleasures of fools gold.
An alternative is possible if the citizens of Latvia realize that succumbing to elitist-materialist pressures is as certain to betray national identity as it identifies with fascism and neocapitalism. Today the charisma of neither holds or ought to hold one’s attention for longer than a passing glance. This suggests that the alternative belongs to some third way.
If we look at the alternatives of becoming “chosen”, “selected”, or “elite”, we must also remember that democracy in a “parliamentary a democracy” (the kind of democracy that is instituted in Latvia) is a democracy for the minority. To what extent is democracy real for citizens when the order of democracy does not extend its privileges beyond the princes who sign the Magna Carta?
When a parliamentary democracy draws into an ever tighter knot [as it does when (vis a vis the rest of the population) it bypasses the human dimension of personally caring], it becomes a democracy for an even more restricted group, an oligarchy of—to be generous—a conglomerate of oligarchs. If the concentration of juridical parties financed by said oligarchs is topped off with a constrained language, we have a zionationalist choke on the freedom of thought and language.
Because Latvians are so few in number (est. 1.2 million), the risk of them losing their language is as certain as is the blending of the oligarchs of the world into a one supra nationalist entity at Davos. Something like that happened when the Baltic Prussians became German speaking. As we know, the Prussian orientation aligned with that of their repressors. The native population became militaristic or assumed a passive stance, and the nurturing Saulele (see blog 26)—what happened to her?
We are witnessing the crumbling of the Latvian language in real terms on the internet. Thought and language receives little attention in hyperspace or it is an exception. Coherence is not something that has yet made an appearance.
To corroborate the dismal prongnosis, studies show that Latvian students read the least number of books among European students. As for poets, they have freedom to speak, but most, having been brainwashed about the glories of anarchy in the West, have nothing to say about the community. For the most part poets write either positivist claptrap or write in a language that is the technical inverse of legalese. Writing at the folk (in this instance subjective) level may exist, but no one is certain of it or encourages it in a consciousness raising manner. A subjective meme centring on the community is not poetry’s forte as a subject these days.
In spite of the bleakness created by the anaemic memes, there may be one area where a small nation may excel if it but comes with the right memes. Such a right meme—one which can make quick political and economic manoeuvres, practice discipline, reach a high level of education, be loyal to its nation and cultivate its language, knows the advantages of small, etc.—has to be not only persuasive, but its persuasiveness has to come with charisma attached to it.
Such a meme however must be achieved and does not come of its own and without effort. At the present, the Latvians have a chance of coming to such charisma only if they overcome the sacrificial crisis plaguing their community. Likewise they must discover a ritual worthy of repetition and without it soon wearing out. At this time it does not appear that in Latvia either the state or church is capable of creating the kind of charisma that leads to action.
An alternative to dying has for humans always meant turning to community building. The Children of Johns (heck past blogs to find out more) would surely be among the volunteers attempting to renew and breathe life (charisma) into the community. Unfortunately, after their repression in the middle of the 19th century, they went underground, many of Germanic origins having been part of the local community integrated, and with the repressions creating demand for a more radical reaction than a not-violent community could offer, in due course ceased playing a visible role. Having brought proto-Latvians communal singing, choirs, and a unique and ancient system of democracy by lottery (the system is unworkable today because of the institutionalization of gross social and economic inequalities), the disappearance of the Herrnhuters was actively encouraged by a more rough and tough workers movement that no longer had roots in a countryside neighbourhood, but were thrown to the winds of urban streets. Without the protection of life in a community in situ, the endearing term, as well as the endeared rock suffers a sacrificial crisis. The memes of the weak words are up on the board to be erased.
What if anything can save the post-Soviet-Latvian language and Latvians from dying by 2050, a time when the population of Latvia —assuming no great wave if immigration—is 1.3 million in total? Will Iceland save Latvia ? It is a brave island, but it is an island far in the ocean.
How can survival be realized when, for the most part, the European Union (EU) works toward collapsing and eliminating differences by way of a bribe (the charisma of money) rather than blood (the charisma of reality)? How can a sacrificial crisis be resolved under circumstances when a sovereign nation loses its financial sovereignty to a central bank and it has no money to fight back with?
There is only one answer: the only weapon available against those who have money and power is one’s body. However, one’s body cannot be brought to bear unless the entire community joins in.
In short, the answer (example of action) must be sought back in the time when the arch-Christians refused to join the Roman Empire ’s sacrificial ritual, because Rome had become polluted. We may recall that Rome—after it became an empire—lost charisma because its sacrifices became gladiators who lost their lives as part of bloody games, which could no longer be construed as anything other than entertainment. The games turned sacrifice into pornography.
It does not appear that survival of small bodies of nations and their languages is a possibility at this time, because “the financial bubble” can be made seem perpetual (inflation). In other words, money will be used to compromise any resistance, even at a time when money clearly is turning into worthless paper. Illusions do not always die easily.
Bankers are using all kinds of sleight of hand to collapse the differences between value and nonvalue: deflating value is masked by inflating price. The use of language to create of language a circus causes ordinary and not so ordinary people loss of a sense of coherence. The resulting state of uncertainty, a state ever in suspended animation, threatens society with anihilation. This is the reason why during the last one thousand years Armageddon or Apocalypse has always roused the public’s interest.
The dissembling of reality is done by institutionalized lying by government functionaries planted within a democracy’s more vulnerable institutions. In a parliamentary democracy such functionaries are its unelected ministers, prime ministers and presidents. During election time, the Saeima (Senate) also makes its significant part by playing at being alive, while actually it is quite dead.
The Story of Crazy Jane and Clever John, Part 3 (…story begins at blog 15), in the next blog. Less the reader forget, we left Clever John despairing of discovering a pile of gold and, therefore, rubbing the ring he was given by Crazy Jane. He hopes that the maid he had let the old witch kill, may come to his rescue. Is may be a hope as crazy as is Crazy Jane.
(To be continued.)
Asterisks & Links of Interest
Unchanged Feature: What is reality, what is myth?
Changing Feature: In the preceding posts, I started a compilation of a series of video clips, which when seen as a linear sequence tell a story in a telling context. This is a continuous story. If it began in the past, now it is moving parallel to the day we live. Note what is happening around you. Put this clip as a tail to your blog http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxNrfZE3elM so others may see. The origin of this post is at http://the4thawakening.blogspot.com/ This is the 9th video of a series.
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