http://esoschronicles.blogspot.com/ Not-Violence main subject
http://the-not-voter.blogspot.com/ Arguments for systems change
http://the4thawakening.blogspot.com/ Sacrificial crisis in Latvia
http://oedipusrexrewritten.blogspot.com/ Oedipus Rex Rewritten
I suggest you look at the links imbedded in these blogs or at the end of the blog as an integral part of my argument. * text between [ ] is not part of quote.
The 4th Awakening
42 Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
© Eso Anton Benjamins
The Story of Crazy Jane and Clever John, Part 3
(…story begins at blog 15)
Mrs. W. Ragana and her daughter Crazy Jane helped Clever John load the hoard of gold into the wagon. Rozinante, the mare, snorted in alarm as she watched how much gold she will have to pull.
Soon, King John 1st arrived at the gate. This time he was not bare foot, but wore polished boots. He wore bright green pants, a red vest ribbed with gold buttons, his suit topped off with golden epaulets, his sword, and on his head a nine tiered crown of gold inlaid with red rubies and green sapphires.
The King ordered his guards to open the garden gates and then help load onto the wagon the last of the gold.
“You have proven yourself to be the right man for my daughter, Clever John. Princes Wonderful will be pleased,” said the King. “I could not have found her a better man than you.”
“Yes, Sir King John 1st,” answered Clever John, “I have been looking forward to this moment. Perhaps I could meet your daughter and propose to her?”
As soon as Clever John had said this, he heard a low growl from the mother of Crazy Jane, the witch Ragana. It was not quite a human growl, but one like that of a lioness. The rumble made an echo in her stomach which—it was apparent—was empty.
Clever John looked up and saw Mrs. W. Ragana look at him with a menacing eye. Crazy Jane, too, stood as if frozen to the ground.
“Did I say something wrong?” asked Clever John and turned his head toward King John 1st.
“It’s alright, Clever John,” said the King and waved Crazy Jane off. He could not do so with Mrs. W. Ragana, because by now it was apparent that she was not just a witch, but the Queen herself. Clever John had mistaken her plain clothes for that of an ordinary woman. He now understood that it was a disguise all the more to fool him, which the Queen had done very well indeed.
Crazy Jane (Clever John had decided that she was the Queens Bedchamber maid), too, relaxed, but before leaving she gave Clever John a “ahahabighero” laugh. “What is your rush, Clever John?” she asked as she took Rozenante by the reigns, “We do things here in an orderly fashion. First things first, else, I will take Rozinante and lead her in the opposite direction from the castle gate.”
The King spoke. One could see that he was worried about what Crazy Jane might do. “You see, Clever John,” said King John 1st, “the custom here is not to show the bride to the groom except after the wedding ball. You will have to be a little patient.”
“That is a very strange custom,” said Clever John.
“Not so strange if you think about it,” answered the King. “The wedding ball is to get you all worked up to want to marry.”
“You mean that I must dance by myself?” asked Clever John. He was in real disbelief.
“Yes,” said the King. “There will be all kinds of beautiful maids there,” the King continued, “and they will do what they can to get you to touch them. Some of them will not be wearing clothes. But you must desist touching them. You can only talk to them and dance around them, and save the rest for the Princess. If you touch any maid, the guards will chop off your hands. The same goes for Princess Wonderful. She has to stand behind the curtains and listen to the maids tempt you, even as my young officers on the other side of the curtain make proposals to her. If she opens the curtain to look, she will lose a finger.”
“That is a crazy story,” said Clever John. I have never before heard anything so crazy in my life.”
“Don’t doubt, Clever John, my man of gold,” said the King. “If you do, you may lose your head. You see the right hand of Queen W. Ragana? Her pinky is missing, no? On our wedding ball, I made her so jealous and danced for so real that she simply had to look. Of course, my father was kind, and she lost her finger after we were married. Neither will I spoil for Princess Wonderful her wedding night with you, Clever John. But perhaps while you dance, you will address all your words of love not to the maids, but to Princess Wonderful.”
Clever John saw that King John 1st was not fooling, and neither was Queen W. Ragana. He quickly changed the subject. “When is the wedding, your Highnesses?” he asked.
“As soon as your six brothers can get here. They must come and see what comes of bathing seven crickets in the sea. The world is a marvelous place!” he said and clapped his hands in joy.
The mare Rozinante neighed. She was the only one who could protest to King John 1st so directly. She was protesting the King saying that she had been born of a cricket. The King saw that he had hurt the mare’s feelings and pursued the subject no longer, but continued to address Clever John.
“I will send Rozinante and a messenger to your family’s seaside farms,” said the King. “Rozinante can continue wearing my boots for a while yet,” King John 1st offered graciously.
Clever John paled when he discovered whose boots he had. However, the King did not let on that John had suddenly grown wise. He would let Clever John be “clever” a while longer.
“While your brothers come (and I trust that they also will bring us grand presents),” said the King, “you, Clever John, will count all the gold that we have in terms of dollars, rubles, euros, juans, and lats. It will take you a few days.”
(To be continued.)
Friday evening on “100. panta Preses Klubs, this blogger saw and heard three reporters question three distinguished Latvians, one a University professor, the other two former politicians with considerable experience. The talk centered or, better, came near to, then backed off from the theme of President, the Latvian Saeima, and the Dictator.
While the word “dictator” was mentioned only once by the philosopher, the onceness signaled that the word “authoritarian” was included in the word meme as a synonym of dictator. The two politicians were wedded to parliamentary democracy, though one believed that the current president “has no liver”, while the other said that he stuck to “figures” and was rather unemotional about being a leader. Putting it together, all the participants—reporters including—signaled that the State was dysfunctional and backed to the wall by financial destitution brought by the International Monetary Fund and the European Central Bank.
Meanwhile, “Al Jezeera English” released a report on the state of Latvia's forests. While the English PM spoke of Latvia as if it were the forest reserve of Europe and the PM of Latvia mumbled, the report showed the extent of the physical decimation visited on Latvia ’s forests…. And of the decimation by the state of the Latvian population.
Asterisks & Links of Interest
Text between [ ], when within a quote, is not part of the quote.
*The call by one of the former Latvian Prime Ministers, Šķēle, for the federalization http://www.delfi.lv/news/national/politics/skele-rosina-diskusiju-par-es-federalas-savienibas-izveidi.d?id=36492333 of Europe may be interpreted as a surrender of Latvia to “administration” by whoever the administrators may be.
** http://politika.lv/blogi/index.php?id=62177#c ? Etimoloģija: ? Nepieklājīgi = ne + pie + klājīgi = ~ neklanīgi?
*** Rene Girard, Violence and the Sacred, The John Hopkins University press, 1977; originally published 1972.
Unchanged Feature: What is reality, what is myth?
Changing Feature: In the preceding posts, I started a compilation of video clips, which when seen as a linear sequence tell a story in a context which I hope will become apparent. No, I do not yet know where it is going to lead. This is a story with no end. If it began in the past (it must have), it is now moving parallel to the day we live in. Watching the film may or may not contribute to your understanding of my meaning. Put this clip as tail to your communication http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRKyDU4eRsw&playnext=1&list=PL84D9DF75487929AD do others may see. The origin of this post is at http://the4thawakening.blogspot.com/
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